609-868-7010 [email protected]


Getting DE&I in Our DNA

Challenging times call for bold, courageous leadership.
Eddee Boone Consulting LLC is committed to helping to take individuals and organizations to the next level!

Collaboration | Creativity | Innovation | Transformation | Productivity | Profitability


(609) 868-7010


By appointment


To create inclusive workplace cultures by coaching business leaders and teams through their own authentic diversity, equity and inclusion journey.


To be the premier, trusted, and strategic partner championing change and transforming organizational leaders, teams, and workplace cultures.


Business Solutions, Practical & Cost-Effective

EBC offers the following types of strategic, coaching and consulting services to help businesses, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations address training and development [along with organizational]  needs:

  • Plan, design and facilitate trainings for stakeholder groups (senior executives, C-Suite leaders, managers/supervisors, employees)
  • Design and launch programs, curriculum development, and initiatives that drive and sustain lasting, positive change
  • Organizational assessments (S.W.O.T., S.O.A.R., P.E.S.T.L.E., DE&I) environmental scans
  • Is current training effective in addressing gaps, teaching knowledge, developing competencies/skills and reinforcing abilities required for role/job success?
Training Program Assessment & Evaluation

This type of analysis involves identifying the most important training needs for your stakeholder groups in a given job, department or role.  Conducting a training needs analysis will help us design a training program or to enhance existing training programming, tools & resources.  The process typically includes reviewing relevant organizational and training materials, interviewing leadership, managers, supervisors, and engaging/surveying employees. Findings are kept confidential and used by EBC to make recommendations regarding the content, design, and delivery of training programs.  Training programs are evaluated to determine their comprehensiveness, relevance, and effectiveness. The primary purpose of this kind of study is to gather information for enhancing the current content, design, and delivery of your organization’s training programs based on key stakeholders or targeted audiences.  Everyone is unique and how they learn is different.  Training program evaluations are conducted to answer several key questions:

  • Is appropriate training being provided to targeted audiences in all important areas?
  • Is current training effective in addressing gaps, teaching the knowledge, developing competencies & skills and reinforcing the abilities required for role/job success?
  • Does the training factor in diversity, equity and inclusion and offer synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities?
  • Does the training meet the intrinsic needs of a diverse employee/volunteer base?
  • Does the training offered align with the strategic mission, vision, and plan goals of the organization?
Training Curriculum Development, Format and Learning Strategies

Training entails a variety of activities and formats leading to increased awareness and self-discovery. At EBC, we use various formats (workshops, lunch & learns, coffee & conversations, huddles, & general instruction) and we deploy diverse learning strategies (journaling, self-reflection, visualization, role playing, conflict management, reflective listening, active learning strategies, teambuilding, leveraging teams, dialogue and discussion). We also provide assistance to companies in redesigning their current training programs or developing new ones. The scope of these projects varies, depending on organizational needs, resources, and objectives.  We address underlying issues, such as training comprehensiveness, length, subject matter areas, and key training outcomes to create and design to specifications that meet primary business needs and objectives. We incorporate technology, live facilitation, self-guided study, synchronous and asynchronous as well as accelerated learning concepts, principles and techniques within the training program design with an intentional lens towards diversity, equity and inclusion.

Wraparound Human Resource Management Services
  • Additional human resource management and project-based services available.  Ask us about it!
  • Human resource management wraparound supports  include recruitment, selection, interviewing, orientations, onboarding, job descriptions, performance-based evaluations and merit systems, individual development plans, succession planning, & more
Need Customized Training and Development?

If you have questions about how we can meet your specific, unique business needs, please contact us.  Your initial consultation (available by Zoom or phone call) is complimentary with no obligations.  Diversity, Equity & inclusion (Getting DEI in DNA) is a core  business strategy.  Let’s connect and discuss why and how DE&I can impact culture, empower people, and improve the bottom line.


“I have had the pleasure of working with Jamee since 2019. In that time, I have always found her to be a steady leader who puts compassion and empathy first. Her understanding of team dynamics helps her lead solid and impactful discussions. The aforementioned traits coupled with her attention to detail and ability to hold both others and herself accountable result in Jamee being a professional who gets real work done. Three words I would use to describe Jamee are kindness, professionalism, and results-driven. Jamee is an amazing consultant who can bring out the best in her clients.”

—Daniel Condoluci-Smith, CFRE, Director of Philanthropy, Delaware Humane Association

“Every organization with an eye on the future knows the importance of including diversity  equity & inclusion strategies in their growth plans. But developing, implementing and monitoring those strategies can be overwhelming. Jamee Boone brings years of DE&I experience and insight. She collaborates with clients to understand each unique situation,  then develops DE&I strategies that align with a client’s goals, culture, and budget. Then she trains staff and guides implementation of those strategies. Jamee offers the total package in a one-stop shop. And it’s a bonus that she’s a delight to work with.” 

—Michelle Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Delaware

“When I was looking for facilitators to do workshops for I Am My Sister’s Keeper board, volunteers and interns, Jamee was at the top of my list.  I didn’t care what she was going to speak about because I knew it was going to be impactful and relevant to the mission and vision of I Am My Sister’s Keeper. Jamee didn’t disappoint.  The one that stood out for me especially with mentoring young girls was the Benefits of Effective Communication.  She facilitated a workshop that made participants examine themselves and challenge themselves to be better mentors for future leaders.”   

—Charlotte Miller-Lacy, Founder/National Executive Director, I Am My Sister’s Keeper, Inc.

Click here to read more testimonials!

Overall, I thought it [Unconscious Bias Workshop] was a great workshop/training.” —ANONYMOUS

Extremely well done workshop!” —ANONYMOUS

“The presenters were enthusiastic and engaging” —ANONYMOUS

Jamee Eddee Boone, MS

Jamee Eddee Boone is President of Eddee Boone Consulting LLC.  EBC develops and facilitates cutting edge initiatives laser focused on embedding DE&I in the DNA of organizations and the personal “WHY” of leaders and teams.   With a combined 35+ years of for-profit and nonprofit work experience, Jamee leverages her broad, diverse background, formal/informal education, unique blend of skills, expertise and lived experiences to execute on strategies that, at their core, help to improve holistic outcomes for individuals and companies.

Click here to read more!

Immediately prior to EBC, Jamee was Vice President, Innovation and Administration at United Way of Delaware (UWDE). Over her 10 1/2+ year tenure at UWDE, Jamee’s progressive leadership and oversight responsibilities spanned:  Co-lead for the Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative (DRJC), Community Impact/Partner Relations, Delaware [and Salem County, NJ] COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund, Philanthropy (Fundraising and Fund Development), the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC), the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), a portfolio of corporate accounts; Grants Management, Human Resources/Training and Development, Organizational Leadership, Community Engagement, Marketing and Communications, as well as Operations and Facilities Management for UWDE including filling an interim Executive Director/Manager role for Kingwood Community Center.

Jamee’s vast work experiences encompassed nonprofit (Faith-Based and Community Action Agency) and for-profit (Retail, Insurance) sectors, and roles ranged from administrative support, to special projects management and community outreach, to facilities management, executive leadership/staffing, and sales.

Committed to continuous learning and leadership, Jamee acquired a diversity and inclusion certificate from Cornell University.  She holds a Master of Science degree in Human Services from Wilmington University where she serves as an adjunct instructor for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences; a Bachelor of Science degree (Magna Cum Laude), from Wilmington University in Human Resources Administration; and an Associate in Arts Business Administration degree from Cumberland County College.  Jamee was awarded a certificate of completion by the Georgetown Public Policy Institute’s Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership, Jessie Ball duPont Developing Excellence in Leadership Institute, The Grantsmanship Institute of Philadelphia.  She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Brandywine Chapter’s Board of Directors, Chair of the AFPB Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA) Committee;  President of the National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR) Delaware Chapter; member of Wilmington University Human Services Advisory Board, member of the Capital School District Equity Council.  She served on the Delaware Coalition on Diversity, and the Northeast Regional Women’s Leadership Planning Council, Inclusion Council for United Way Worldwide, United Way Worldwide’s Health Advisory Council and Health Mobilization Team where she was a contributing member to “Charting a Course for Change” publication of strategies & roadmaps to improving the quality of health across Delaware communities.

Click here to view “Charting a Course for Change” booklet.

Married to her husband and best friend of over 37 years (Douglas. Sr.), Jamee is an inspirational, charismatic motivational speaker (selected to deliver the 2011 Wilmington University Student Commencement Speaker in recognition of student leadership and dedication to Wilmington University; served as a national speaker at the United Way Worldwide Womens Summit). The mother of three adult children (Douglas, Jr., Austin, Sr., and Jasmine), Jamee is the proud “mom-mom” of five grandchildren (Carson, Laylee, Austin Jr., a.k.a. “Papi,” Saige, and Cauri) and one bonus grandbaby (Madison).  Jamee continues to have great hope and aspirations for the future and remains committed to embedding a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion in herself, others, organizations and communities as the key drivers to achieving equitable, sustainable, collective impact for the greater good of all.


  • Wilmington University, Change Champion of the BRITE IDEAS Program
  • Wilmington University, Center for Teaching Excellence, Active, Ongoing Professional Development
  • Cornell University, Certificate, Diversity and Inclusion
  • United Way Worldwide, Advanced Leadership Program
  • Georgetown Public Policy Institute/Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership/Jessie Ball DuPont Fund Developing Excellence | Leadership Institute (VA)
  • Harwood Institute Innovator’s Lab (VA)
  • The Grantsmanship Center (PA)
  • Federated Department Stores (Macy’s), Executive Leadership/Management Program
  • Rowan Management Institute, Leadership Art & Practices (NJ)
  • Leadership Cumberland County (NJ) Alum
Board/Committee Experience & Affiliations
  • National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR-National), Current Member
  • National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR-Delaware),  President
  • Association of Fundraising Professionals Brandywine Chapter (AFPB), Current Board Member
  • Association of Fundraising Professionals Brandywine Chapter (AFPB), Current Chair, IDEA Committee
  • Capital School Equity Council, Current Member
  • Wilmington University, Human Services Advisory Committee, Current Member
  • Delaware Society of Human Resource Management, Current Member
  • United Way Worldwide Inclusion Council, Past Member
  • United Way Worldwide Health Advisory Council and Health Mobilization, Past Lead (Delaware)
  • Healthy Delawareans Today and Tomorrow “Charting the Course for Change” Contributing Member
  • Wilmington Job Corps Workforce Development Advisory Committee, Past Member
  • Philanthropy Delaware, Large Campaign, Nonprofit Presentations to Funders, Past Panelist

Meet Jamee

When did you start working in diversity, equity and inclusion?

I believe all of my lived experiences from birth until now, my training, education, and work experiences combined, have be part of my purpose in life. To paraphrase (the Bible), I would say “before I was born, I was set apart and appointed to speak to nations – diverse audiences of people — for such a time as this.”

What is your favorite part of working with businesses and nonprofit leaders?
I love to see when the light bulb comes on and individuals get why diversity, equity and inclusion matters. I enjoy tremendously working with leaders because they play a major role in acknowledging history, shifting systems that have not been fair to all people, and doing so by embracing diversity, empowering people and doing what they can so that all individuals can realize his/her full human potential. Minority Lives Matter too!
What do you like to do in your free time?
Read, bowl and spend quality time with my husband, three adult children, five grandchildren, one bonus grandbaby and extended LARGE family.
What’s a fun fact about you that not many folk know?

I love to bowl. I have bowled in leagues, tournaments, went to nationals (for the experience of course) and served as an officer. It’s competitive.  It’s a family atmosphere.  It’s good exercise and good wholesome fun!

What is your “why” for working in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion?
I believe DE&I is a core strategy for personal and professional success. It is rewarding when I can see, value and embrace the beauty and worth of individual differences. It is the best way to invest my time, talent and treasures. When I support efforts to get DE&I in DNA of individuals, businesses, and communities, I can help open the door so that I (and others) can have a seat at the table. Through collaboration, we all win!
What is your life philosophy?

Learning is a life-long process and one by which I have lived my entire life (Kaizen – continuous improvement).  I believe learning occurs daily and shows up both formally and informally.  I believe we each bring something to the table in the form of our lived experiences.  As an educator at heart, I believe I serve as a catalyst for learning.  I create a learning environment that acknowledges all individuals, embraces all cultures, respects all differences and celebrates the broader dimensions of diversity.  I believe that everyone’s voice matters.  I am here to help you and I invite you to bring your authentic self to listen, learn and grow throughout the journey of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Lean in and engage. Let’s take this journey … together!


Ongoing systems of oppression and inequities must be dismantled. Many organizations and communities are no longer satisfied with platitudes or superficial engagements. They desire bold action, and systemic transformation, led by committed leaders where acts of discrimination and exclusion are named for what they are. The murder of George Floyd (and many others before and after him) and the removal of statues and symbols of oppression became catalysts for social justice all around the world. We acknowledge those who continue to stand up and speak out against oppressive laws and practices despite personal risk. The intensification of the #BLM (Black Lives Matter), #MeToo, #GBV (Gender-based Violence), and other global protest movements accelerated the need for strong action and allyship in support of marginalized voices. We honour all those who lost their lives while fighting against discrimination and injustice. We find ourselves at a pivotal moment where we can continue down the destructive path we have been on—of inequity, injustice, and exploitation—or we can choose a different sustainable path of justice, equity, and social cohesion.” – The Centre for Global Inclusion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is DE&I?

Why is DE&I important?
  • Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians^
  • Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 30 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians^
  • $12tn in additional GDP if gender gap is narrowed by 2025^
  • $2bn in potential revenue if financial inclusion efforts broaden services for black Americans^; 160m women may need to change jobs through 2030 due to automation^
  • DE&I leads to greater team collaboration & creativity*
  • Companies with DE&I in its culture are more responsiveness to customer needs*
  • Companies are 2xs more likely to meet/exceed financial $ targets*
  • Companies are 3xs more likely to be high performing*
  • Companies are 6xs more likely to be innovative*
  • Companies are 6xs more likely to be agile*
  • Companies are 8xs more likely to have overall better business outcomes*

Research for the Resources Supporting Why DE&I

What does a DE&I authentic journey look and feel like?

It varies by individual and organization but could encompass creating a DE&I statement (sharing publicly/transparency), building a DE&I strategic plan (and engaging all key stakeholders); examining operations across the organization (people, programs and processes) through the lens of DE&I, among other things. It requires vulnerability, honesty, and accountability (action) which brings with it feelings of fear, guilt and being uncomfortable at times.  It may (should) be uncomfortable.  “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin. 

How long does a DE&I journey take, what does it cost, and what will it require?

This journey is not a check in the box nor a sprint.  It’s a marathon, Arriving at the “north star” individually or as an organization depends on a number of factors as unique as the individuals involved including but not limited to where you are starting,  leadership’s commitment, allocation of time, accessibility to and engagement of teams, resources available.


Get In Touch

Here to help you!


(609) 868-7010


By appointment

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